Monday, 10 May 2010

skin test

just a quick render test for the skin shader, with some little tweaks in photoshop.


Just to add this to the mix.
I also have a website which is I've got a big update planned for this soon so just thought i'd get it out there first

Sunday, 18 April 2010


Still doing the rider character, but just fancied a change so started on this this evening. I'm off out, so figured I'd post up where I got to.

Monday, 5 April 2010

A little update.

Some more Zbrush work. Pretty close to complete, just have to finish the other arm, although I might revisit his right forearm though as it seems a little skinny.

Monday, 22 March 2010

...a little bit more

Thought that I would just stick up a new version based on what I've done today.
I would have been further along but I lost an hour or so's work when Zbrush crashed, and me being a prat had forgotten to save.

Should really give mention to my friend Adam who not only designed a concept piece for this model, but also nagged me to start this blog...

Rider WIP

This is a model that I'm currently working on. Still has a while to go and if I'm honest I've been a bit rubbish at staying motivated with it what with work and life and all. Hopefully will be more on this soon.

Veni Vidi Vici

This is a short film that I made a while ago, when I was finishing University. Made with an animator friend of mine, David Bryan

you can watch a larger HD version here

In the beginning...

Hey, so might as well get things rolling with some of my old work.

Here are some stills from a short film that I made.

...And here's a few other personal models that I've done, some are still unfinished and will probably crop up in later posts in more complete versions.